Thursday 27 July 2017

Nocturnal Ground Weta

This is an information report about the Ground Weta. I chose to write about this because I found it in the Frankley School Bush and it is a really fascinating and interesting bug to study.

Nocturnal Ground Weta

Did you know that if you enter a ground wetas habitat it will bring its back legs up and hiss at you?  I suppose anyone would when someone breaks into their home.
The ground weta lives in forests and burrows. They also prefer to live in holes, under stones and in rotting logs.  They need to keep moist and safe from predators.  The Frankley School Bush is an ideal place for them to hang out.                                                      

The ground weta has lots of predators such as the weka, kiwi, rats, reptiles and other native birds.  This is one of the main reasons why the weta is nocturnal (sleeps during the day and comes out at night).  They are also an important food source for these predators as they are high in protein.  Weta use their spiny legs to scratch their enemies and to protect them from other threats.

A ground weta’s diet is leaves, flowers, seed heads and fruit. Ground wetas also prey on other invertebrates,such as worms and snails.

The ground weta is a fun invertebrate to find out about but because they can bite.

Written by Jaram

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